By Tawa Roy Littlesun
The Oneheart Portal is Based on the EDUCATION that is needed for Humanity to Know what it takes to RETURN to the WAY.We came to Earth to REALIZE the Divine PLAN to make Her the Portal of Peace. Therefore, we need the Two Extreme Contrasting Sides, Creation and Anti-Creation. Creation, of which the Human is a Microcosm, is a Given. So, WHO must create the Contrasting Side? Us, and WE ...
About Roy Littlesun´s Hopi-mission
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
About Roy Littlesun´s Hopi-mission
The Cosmic Instructions were given to the Hopi to find the “House of Mica”, when according to prophecies the “gourd full of ashes” (atom-bomb) comes to explosion. This happened in 1945, notably not too far from Hopiland, in New Mexico. The House proved to be the UN-building in New York.Then the Message of Peace had to be delivered at the UN. That, it was time for Humanity to RETURN to ...
ONELAW of creation - Part II
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
ONELAW of creation - Part II
Creator’s LawAll phenomena are the result of The Law. To truly understand all things in essence, the Principles of Law have to be understood. Everything, visible and invisible, is in constant flux. Without change things and even concepts will disappear as soon as they are created. There has to be a constant to make existence continue. The constant that perpetuates Creation is Change, Creator’s Law. Everything changes due to the ...
ONELAW of creation
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
ONELAW of creation
ONELAW of CreationLaw and TerritoryA long evolutionary period of sequences was needed to finally come to the Human Form, which can Contain Creation. Yes, we are Creation in the Human Form! But does this mean we have become HUMAN? Much needs to be REFINED, internally, before we can truly say “I AM that I AM”, to be fully Conscious that Outer and inner-Creation are ONE. And that the Creator is ...
The Oneheart University
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
The Oneheart University
“The Seed is in the tree and the Tree is in the Seed” is the Formula of LIFE.The Seed is the TOTAL BOOK and what it Contains is the Script whereby the HUMAN can KNOW who he IS.What is then needed is the EDUCATION to Know HOW to Read the Book.The first step is to Open the Book.Therefore, the Book has a Front (beginning) and Back (end) Cover.Then, we also ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
The PLANHumanity came to Earth with the Devine PLAN to make this Planet the PORTAL of Peace and Liberation. Therefore, we need the Two Extreme Contrasting Sides. We cannot create a portal with only one side. Creation, of which the Human is in its Crystalized form, correlates with one side. The contrasting side is Anti-creation and requires the Human to create it – who can do it, because of the ...