The Oneheart Portal is Based on the EDUCATION that is needed for Humanity to Know what it takes to RETURN to the WAY.


With Tawa, Planetary Friends and Divine Guidance

This website concerns the REPAIR of Humanity from the

Grand Experiment that is now OVER

Welcome to the Revolution of Consciousness!




We came to Earth to REALIZE the Divine PLAN to make Her the Portal of Peace. Therefore, we need the Two Extreme Contrasting Sides, Creation and Anti-Creation. Creation, of which the Human is a Microcosm, is a Given. So, WHO must create the Contrasting Side? Us, and WE Succeeded (today´s most Corrupt world)! Now the TWO has to become the ONE, which is also the Concluding TEST.

The RETURN to the Oneness is Inevitable. HOW it happens depends on the Planetary Alliance of the Human that´s Centered around Creation´s ONELAW. It can be Realized by those who Begin with their Purification of the BLOOD by way of FOOD, and the Dedication to SERVE the TOTALITY of which the Human is its Microcosm.



This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to adopt a healthier relationship with food so that you can improve your overall quality of life. Through practical cooking tips and mindful eating techniques, you will explore the benefits of a balanced and conscious diet, and discover how to make positive changes that can last a lifetime. Let’s get started on this adventure to a healthier and happier life.

Start a life-changing adventure with this course included! Discover how your inner self connects to the world around you. Prepare to unlock the secrets of conscious food selection, enabling you to refine your choices and extract maximum benefits. And receive invaluable guidance from Tawa Roy Littlesun himself. Get ready to elevate your food consciousness and embrace a life of optimal well-being!




The ONEHEART library contains nine profound books, each focusing on the Practical Biological aspect and the sacred Law of Creation. Delve into the transformative teachings of Roy Littlesun’s Diary in “Kalaitaka – Excerpts from Roy Littlesun’s Diary” or explore the realms of consciousness in “Universal Perception”. Discover the truth about the Inquisition in “ROMAMOR – End of the Inquisition” or unravel the mysteries of today’s world government in “The True Government – The World Today.” These books, along with five others, delve into diverse topics such as total economics, total health, conquering the womb and the consciousness revolution. And the best part? We’re constantly adding more to expand your cosmic horizons.

All the books are based on the Practical Biological aspect, centered around the Onelaw of Creation.

NOW we offer you the great opportunity to acquire more knowledge and become a ONEHEART STUDENT, by doing so you will be able to access the ONEHEART library, and you will also have access to the fantastic course of Tawa Roy Littlesun “The Sacred Art of Eating”.



It’s time to become a Oneheart Student and unlock a world of cosmic knowledge that will revolutionize your relationship with food and humanity. By joining our vibrant community, you will gain the tools and insights to live a more conscious and liberated existence.

Prepare to unlock the secrets of conscious food selection, enabling you to refine your choices and extract maximum benefits. And receive invaluable guidance from Tawa Roy Littlesun himself. Get ready to elevate your food consciousness and embrace a life of optimal well-being!