With the help of Elders of Wisdom, for 7 years a Process of UNION developed in Mexico. Now that the Divine PLAN is coming to its most Critical stage, which is Now unfolding at the Ukraine, it is Mexico´s Sacred Mission to INITIATE the Lasting Peace according to the Divine PLAN to make Planet Earth the Portal of Peace and Liberation. For the last 3 years the attempt was made to get your attention, as how Government can be a Part of it. So far silent was the response. Probably this is correct, because more needs to be done to create ...
Join us this coming march 21st., in a PRAYER FOR PEACE, a prayer for the loving unification of the world, with Tawa Roy Littlesun, messenger of peace and guardian of the Prophetic Bastón of unification eagle-condor-quetzal. THIS IS THE START OF THE AWAKENING AND THE MANIFESTATION OF THE PEACE CRYSTAL THAT IS IN YOUActivity ProgramMarch 21st at the Sun Pyramid in TeotihuacanReception at Gate 2 10:30 amAgradecimiento especial al apoyo de Monike Garcia, Javier Huerta y Maria LujanIT WILL BE AN HONOR TO WALK TOGETHER, you can bring a quartz to activate our prayer in the presence of elders from different ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
Prophetic BastonCondor - Quetzal - AguilaOn September 23-25, at the top of Mexico´s SUN-Pyramid (Teotihuacan) the Prophetic Baston has been Completed with the 9 Eagle Feathers of the North. With the presence of Representatives of Indigenous Tribes from throughout the America´s (North and South) who have agreed upon the Universal Proclamation of Humanity. The Mothers of Mexico tied the 9 Eagle Feathers on the Baston. This Historic Event added Mexico to the Universal Mission, showing the World that it is possible to set the True Basis of World Peace.The Union of the Condor and the Eagle, where the Quetzal is the ...
Financial Contributions of the Oneheart Portal Funds will be used for:Planetary Education by way of:Courses to make the Individual independent in its daily application to attain overall Health by way of Food and Way of Life.Global Distribution of texts and Videos concerning Health and Way of Life via: Restaurants, Hotels, Stores, Public Meeting Places, Organizations, Schools and Hospitals.Food for Health and Behavior Control Education for Prisons.Educating the Homeless to become a Teacher of Life.Finance small Restaurants who agreed to Promote Health with: Showing the Educational Videos, Texts and possible replacement of pots and pans (no aluminum and Teflon), and a ...
Video-Collection I from the ONEHEART TEACHINGS of Tawa RoyLittlesun.* The SIGN of the "Spirit approval".* Win Win War.*The basic concepts in the kitchen.* H B Symbol.* What is PEACE?* Origin of Yin and Yang.* Artificial Intelligence.* Wake UP and BE real!* Creative Cooking.Find more videos of TAWA ROY LITTLESUN on YouTube.Live the COMPLETE experience and BE A ONEHEART STUDENTONEHEART PORTAL
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
Pueblo Viva Mexico has been created to serve as an Educational Center in the Realization of the Divine Plan. That´s why you have come here? If so, then we can possibly be of Help to you. But then… we want to See your True Face (no mask), so that we can communicate Heart to Heart. WELCOME!This Place was created to be a Total Health Center, which has now a Space with 3 parts:Ceremonial Fire Center.Sacred Kitchen reserved for cooking instructions and appointed Cooks (not for “socializing”).Meeting area, which is at times used for Sleeping (afterwards clear the space to make ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
Creator’s LawAll phenomena are the result of The Law. To truly understand all things in essence, the Principles of Law have to be understood. Everything, visible and invisible, is in constant flux. Without change things and even concepts will disappear as soon as they are created. There has to be a constant to make existence continue. The constant that perpetuates Creation is Change, Creator’s Law. Everything changes due to the Un-change, which is change. This paradox is the key to the Great Mystery.Oneness is the beginning and end, and is The Source. It is only through contrast or polarity that ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
ONELAW of CreationLaw and TerritoryA long evolutionary period of sequences was needed to finally come to the Human Form, which can Contain Creation. Yes, we are Creation in the Human Form! But does this mean we have become HUMAN? Much needs to be REFINED, internally, before we can truly say “I AM that I AM”, to be fully Conscious that Outer and inner-Creation are ONE. And that the Creator is also within. TODAY this Evolutionary Process is coming to its Conclusion. Some have become qualified to take on them the Divine Responsibility (to Respond to Creation) and can take on ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
The Oneheart Portal is Based on the EDUCATION that is needed for Humanity to Know what it takes to RETURN to the WAY.We came to Earth to REALIZE the Divine PLAN to make Her the Portal of Peace. Therefore, we need the Two Extreme Contrasting Sides, Creation and Anti-Creation. Creation, of which the Human is a Microcosm, is a Given. So, WHO must create the Contrasting Side? Us, and WE Succeeded (today´s most Corrupt world)! Now the TWO has to become the ONE, which is also the Concluding TEST.The RETURN to the Oneness is Inevitable. HOW it happens depends on ...
By Tawa Roy Littlesun
“The Seed is in the tree and the Tree is in the Seed” is the Formula of LIFE.The Seed is the TOTAL BOOK and what it Contains is the Script whereby the HUMAN can KNOW who he IS.What is then needed is the EDUCATION to Know HOW to Read the Book.The first step is to Open the Book.Therefore, the Book has a Front (beginning) and Back (end) Cover.Then, we also need to know How to READ the Book.So, we need the READER, who is the one we ARE.Then, we need to Know the “ABC” of Creation, so that we can ...