
Financial Contributions of the Oneheart Portal Funds will be used for:
Planetary Education by way of:
- Courses to make the Individual independent in its daily application to attain overall Health by way of Food and Way of Life.
- Global Distribution of texts and Videos concerning Health and Way of Life via: Restaurants, Hotels, Stores, Public Meeting Places, Organizations, Schools and Hospitals.
- Food for Health and Behavior Control Education for Prisons.
- Educating the Homeless to become a Teacher of Life.
- Finance small Restaurants who agreed to Promote Health with: Showing the Educational Videos, Texts and possible replacement of pots and pans (no aluminum and Teflon), and a suggested Health for Wealth Menu. These Restaurants can become a Planetary inspiration and School to have Humanity be REPAIRED from the Experimental Era that today has NOT one Solution for a single problem. FACT.
- Financing the creation of Educational Health Centers.
- With your GENEROSITY the Pueblo Viva Mexico can be fully realized. The funding provided will be used for: Building materials, tools, water, fuel supply, items for the daily maintenance of Pueblo Viva Mexico, labor, food, transport and communication.
- Spread the TRUTH via
- To make possible the altar of the Crystal of Peace for Ukraine and the world.
By becoming a ONEHEART-Student, in addition to supporting the initiative for peace in the world, you will also have LIFETIME access to Tawa Roy Littlesun’s documents, books, videos and soon a GREAT VIRTUAL COURSE.
For further Educational Progression
(Practical aspects of the LAW of laws in normal daily life).