“Only those who see that the two sides of all phenomena, visible and invisible, are front and back or beginning and end of one reality can embrace any antagonistic situation, see its complementarity, and help others to do the same, thereby establishing peace and harmony.” George Ohsawa

Upgraded with 2 more levels: the Ultimate Contrast in correlation with Perception are the Unmanifest and Manifest. Both Unmanifest and Manifest are also subject to Contrast, as Contrast is Contained by the TOTALITY.



Only by CONTRAST can we Identify.

Only by Purpose and Meaning can we Identify Ourselves being a Part of the Totality = INDIVIDUAL = “Indivisible Two”.

HOW to make the ONE into the TWO?

Indeed, we must raise the QUESTION!

As such, the CONTRAST comes about, because the Question cannot possibly escape the Totality.

Thus, to Complete the Question … we need the ANSWER = Polarization (“big bang”)!

From here on, by the Question-Answer Relationship the basis is set to also Contrast the Unmanifest, with the Manifest.

Now we have Two Totalities: 1- the ONE without Beginning and End, the Realm containing the Infinite Possibilities. 2- the TWO that is Contained by Beginning and End, by which the Possibility can be Realized.

The ONE can only “make sense” by the Instant HERE and NOW, which requires the TOTAL Presence of MIND (Mind is the Brain of the ONE/”GOD”).

The Question Originates from the Unmanifest, with the Purpose to Realize a Possibility in Space and Time, to gain Meaning.

Each time when we raise a Question, we Connect with the SOURCE, from where we Channel the Will of GOD into the dual-Realm by which we can gain the Answer = Union of the Opposites = KNOWING

By the TWO the “Gap” is created whereby the HERE and NOW can be Perceived in a DELAYED manner.

As such, we can perceive Here as SPACE and NOW as TIME.

Consequently, we can find ourselves within a Context to have an EXPERIENCE, to find out HOW to gain the CONSCIOUSNESS that ALL IS ONE = Lasting PEACE = FREEDOM.

Therefore, we find ourselves contained by a “period” that is confined by Birth and Death…

So, while “lingering in Space and Time”, we must Know HOW the DISCERN, so that we can get the Best out of the Experience.

Being contained within Earth´s Realm, stretching unto the Ionosphere, we have the 7 Chakras correlating with the 7-1 Heaven-Earth relation Ration. Hence the 7 basic Perceptions:

  1. - Physical by Bodily Function (earthly).
  2. - Sensorial by Touch, Feeling (water-element).
  3. - Emotional by Feelings created from above the Diaphragm (correlates with Breath, wind, gas).
  4. - Rational by way of Speech (sound, thunder).
  5. - Dimensional by way of Vision (light, lightning).
  6. - Beyond 1-5 by way of Thinking = conscious use of frequency (vibration, frequency).
  7. - Discernment by Perceiving Opposites as Complementary (+/-, contrast).
  8. - Refinement of the POWER or WILL of the ONE, into the Use of FREE WILL, ultimately by making the CHOICE to BE = SELF Realization (POWER whereby ONE becomes TWO and TWO becomes ONE = TRUTH).
  9. - RETURN to the SOURCE with the Realization that we are the Creator of our Own Reality. As such, the UNION of Question and Answer = KNOWING.
  10. - (extra) - Do the SELF Examination!

Graphically, the TOTALITY-manifest is hereby illustrated by the Precision as how the TRINITY can bring forth the Realization (Space-Time Construct) of a Possibility.

About Tawa/Roy Littlesun (formerly known as Roy Steevensz), Macrobiotics and the Ancients

Tawa and George Ohsawa are complementary when it comes to the Realization of the Divine PLAN in correlation with the East and West, which are biologically integrated within the Human Construct in Space (Yin) and Time (Yang). Tawa became aware of his Mission when at age 14 (1948, Jakarta) he saw at midday the Moon with a Star at the center. Not until 1970 it became clear to him the True meaning of the Vision. His Mission on Planet Earth is to help with the Geographic/Biological Unfixing of the East and the West.

These opposite extremes are in the Universal sense as Complementary as the right and left Brain. But by PLAN (according to a “magic square” design) East and West became geographically Fixed in order for Humanity to experience an episode of Mental-fixation, to be able to come the Brain-use whereby the Nucleus of matter can be destroyed, by way of FISSION – from thereon the nano technology. All of it was foreseen 33.000 years ago, but no one could interfere for Humanity to go through the Grand Experiment, using the right-left brain (correlates with East and West) fixation to find out HOW to Transcend the DUALITY and the consequences thereof - to then be able to Consciously Enter the New Era ("Golden Age").

Therefore, the Liberating SECRET became hidden, not to be Revealed until the SIGN was given,

“There will be a gourd full of Ashes and explode”. This Sign turned out to be the atom bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. “Then, there will be another gourd full of Ashes, of PEACE”. This gourd became full of the Ashes of Fire Ceremonies from around the World and was then burned at the Mt Fuji/Japan region. This Fire was ignited with a remainder of the Hiroshima Fire. The completion of the FIRE-element at the Mt Fuji region and the resulting Ashes, correlate with the Commencing of the REVELATION of the SECRET in the form of the Oneheart TEACHING, for Humanity to Know HOW to be Liberated from the Physical/Mental/Spiritual-TRAP.

After an intensive 14-year Macrobiotic training (created worlds most complete macrobiotic center in Hollywood, including: most pure Mb food store, restaurant, cooking school, bakery, mb warehouse, weekly seminars, daily counselling, printing shop, all at one location (up till today this model has not been duplicated). Roy also introduced tempeh to the West and pioneered on the marketing of the first grain-beverages. The creation of the Pacific Mb movement was also created by Roy. All of it Roy gave up in order to find out how to fulfill his true mission (some mb seniors declared him “nuts”, up till today).

As it is, the SECOND attempt to UNFIX the East and the West is taking place at the “Middle East”, NOW (Gaza). The “Pearl Harbor Incident was the First attempt and the 4 years following, ending with the prophetic atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima. It was also the SIGN to make the beginning to Liberate Humanity from the Mental TRAP with MACRIOTICS! This entire Process Roy was a part of since his birth at the Pacific in 1934. The Memory of it is in his Blood. The more, by him having the East-West ancestry.

Now Tawa is not well Understood by the “Macrobiotic community”, which is sad, because he can be of great help with the Expansion of the Macrobiotic Teachings and Application on a Wider and Higher level, globally. Tawa is very well known and respected throughout the Americas (Maya, Inca) and many parts in the world, especially Japan. Unfortunately, the present “macrobiotic leadership” (mostly in the US) has not been so “enthusiastic”. Elders of the Americas have asked me to find out how Macrobiotics and the remainder of “ancient macrobiotics” can collaborate, and to also include Tawa in this Process.

Please read Tawa´s Journal (excerpts, free)): , also Facebook´s Progressive Macrobiotics.

Macrobiotics must be an EXAMPLE for HUMANITY. Shall we?



Spokesperson of Wisdom-keepers in the Americas



Pre: before

Cision: Cut. Incision

Surgeon: Precise before the Cut (the act).

How many times have we experienced the result of not being Precise? Today, the entire System is Unprecise, because Humanity is experiencing the Consequences in the form of WAR, DISEASE and all sorts of CORRUPTION. And, by NOT having the SOLUTION for a single problem. Merely the “solution whereby we can “live” WITH the problem”.

So, let's EXAMINE the Circle and its Center. The Center is utmost Precise, while the Circle that consists of “Dots” can be utmost Unprecise without its Center. It implies that Circle and Center have to be Complementary, ONE. Therefore, the Circle is the Expanded Center and the Center the Contracted Circle. And this Truth of Construct and Order is Biologically, Mentally and Spiritually integrated by the HUMAN. Similar as how Circle and Center MAINTAIN one another, Body, Head and Spirit must be in Synchronicity.

The Center is always Precise, because “all dots” constitute One DOT. This “Dot of dots” correlates with the Common Denominator of Creation. It is the Absolute and Eternal CONSTANT, which is CHANGE. So, what makes Change Possible? TRINITY = Beginning-End and what Connects both. Example, the Door connects the Exterior and Interior. So, when Eat Food, PRACTICE the LAW of laws. That’s why the Order of the World depends on How Humanity Practices the ART of EATING (= Macrobiotics).

Therefore, we must know the Principle of Change or Law of laws, and the following Describes the PRECISION.

Secret of the “Dot”

and the Realization of the PLAN

Albert Einstein used the Right-Left BRAIN to find out what the Ultimate ORIGIN of Matter is, from where the POWER (WILL of GOD), CREATION could come forth.

It led to the creation of the Atom Bomb.

He reasoned that the Total Cycle is composed of Lines (“strings”), which are the parts to make the Circle.

Then, the line consisting of “Dots” (Nuclei).

Later, by way of FISSION (Chain Reaction) the PORTAL is created to Release the POWER.

Oppenheimer Realized this Principle with the creation of the Atom Bomb.

From thereon, the Nano Technology, furthering the Right-Left Brain use to Expand on the RELEASE of more “dots”, so that via the HUMAN, created in the Image of GOD … the POWER can be used to finally connect with the “DOT of dots”, which is the NUCLEUS of Creation (N).

With this Horizontal Brain-use the Total DESTRUCTION of what Constitutes Manifest, can Creation (including Evolution) be REVERSED, back to the SOURCE (1) from where the POLARIZATION (2-3, “big bang”) began.

Hence the OPPOSITE of LIVE = EVIL.

Scientific emphasis came about, with the creation of “antibiotics” (anti life), making bacteria and virus “popular”.

It has been Prophesied that at the END there will be the WAR between SCIENCE and GOD.

We have come that far!

20.000 Atom Bombs are available to be Used, which can only Happen when the Right-Left BRAIN remain DOMINANT.

At this stage the idea that the independent Brain-USE can be REPLACED with the ARTIFICIAL Intelligence.

Now we must go much DEEPER, to KNOW HOW the BRAIN can be USED by way of FUSION, instead.

Therefore, the SHIFT of the Horizontal into the VERTICAL Use of the BRAIN, so that the RETURN to the SOURCE can Creatively PROCEED.


We must UNDERSTAND what the “DOT” IS!

The CIRCLE can be by the EXPANSION of its CENTER (N), and the CENTER can be by the CONTRACTION of the CIRCLE.

Both are ONE!

HOW can this come the MIND, to KNOW that ALL IS ONE = PEACE?

What is MIND?

It is the Brain of GOD!

For the Human to be “Mindful”, the “brain in the flesh” needs to be connected with the “DOT of dots”.

This Center of centers correlates with the PINEAL GLAND (N).

IT requires the HUMAN be Centered by the “DOT of dots”!

The Process to it required the Human come to CONSTRUCT in Space (expansion) and Time (contraction), beginning from a “Circle´s Dot” to go through the Total Human Experience, from the Outer into the Inner by way of FOOD and from the Inner into the Outer by way of Consciousness, whereby the Food has to be Changed into the BLOOD to Vertically transfer Circle´s Dot (4) into the Total Cycle's Center (N).

Sequence of the Process:


2-3: Cycle maintained by Expansion (2), Contraction (3).

4: Ultimate Part of the Cycle (Dot), from where it can Expand to create a Planet (Earth), integrating the Cycle by its East-West Rotation. In other words, by the Horizontal East-West expansion (radiating its magnetism), the Planet “swallows circle's dots” by its growth from Within. It is by Earth's Refinement into Food and Food into the Human, and the Human into Consciousness, that the GROWTH can be.

5-6: By the POWER that the Dot (4) contains, the SEED (correlates with the SOURCE) can REFINE the Earth into the PLANT/FOOD (5, Lower Self). By it the BODY (6) is created to be Maintained by the Food changing into the BLOOD. As such, Earth's Nucleus becomes Blood's Nucleus that Circulates from the Heart (7) out-in.

7-8: The Blood continues to Ascend (8) to the Head that contains the PINEAL GLAND correlating with the Central SUN being the “DOT” of the Total Cycle, CREATION! By the Vertical Alignment of Earth´s Nucleus-Heart-Pineal Gland (8, Higher Self), TOTAL THINKING becomes Possible. Until then, BELIEVE Convolutes the Use of MIND in the Reactionary manner: right-wrong, good-bad, like-dislike, mine-yours = Disease, War.

9-10: Finally, the Total HUMAN can RELEASE the Entire EXPERIENCE (9) from the PINEAL GLAND into the Total CYCLE (10). As such, the Self-REALIZAION is accomplished. HUMAN (9) and the SOURCE (1) have become ONE, as from the Ultimate DOT (N, Total SELF, I AM) the LIGHT Shines = LIBERATION! It has to be noted that there is the correlation between the Horizontal East-West (E-W), Body’s diaphragm, Right-Left Brain (horizontal lines) and Polarity (2-3).

With the Biological integration of the entire Process Construct, we can also Relate to the Liberating South-North, FROM WITHIN. In other words, the Direct inner South-North Connection is the GOAL.

It correlates with the prophetic Condor-Eagle Union = Self-realization.


The Total CYCLE:

2: Heaven-Earth Descend correlates with the Evolution process, where the Dots Culminate to Construct the BODILY.

3: Earth-Heaven Ascend correlating with the Body creating the BLOOD whereby the REFINEMENT of Spirit becomes possible. Jesus: “When the Spirit creates the Body, it is a Miracle, but when the Body creates the Spirit, it is the Miracle of miracles”. In other words, at first (2) the Dots are Densified, then the Dots are Amplified (3).

Humanity NEEDS the Fundamental EDUCATION to Know HOW to USE the BRAIN in the Realization of the Divine PLAN to make Planet Earth the PORTAL of PEACE and LIBERATION!


The “DOT of the dot” is NOTHING, which spells SURRENDER to TRUTH, the UNCONDITIONAL. Hereby we can Transcend the “Culmination of dots” constituting the BODY. The chant “OM” is used to initiate the INNER-ascend. “O” correlates with the Small intestine where the FOOD (= Culmination of dots of the Outer) become the BLOOD whereby the “internalized dots” ascend to the lower part of the Head (lower lip), “O”. From here the dots are Refined in Brain´s Center (Pineal Gland) correlating with “I”. Then, by the CHOICE to fully Surrender, “N” releases ALL the “contained dots” Upwards back to where the “Food-dots” came from. The “OMIN” chant is the Channel of Total Surrender. Nothing RETURNS to Nothing! The “First Nothing” is then REFINED in the “Second Nothing” with the Consciousness that ALL IS ONE!

We can Know about the Reality of “OMIN” that by each sound we can FEEL. Utter “O” and we can Feel the belly going inwards. With “M” we can Feel the lips vibrating. By “I” the Brain is vibrating. By “N” we can sense the Brain releasing vibration, Upwards. By uttering “OMIN” along with the Total “Ascension of Dots” Visualization… we can stimulate the Liberating Ascension. Along with the Oneheart STUDY, the CONSCIOUSNESS (refined Spiritual Channel) can then create the CERTAINTY of TRUTH. Try it!

The Education: (Revelation of the SECRET).


by, to BE. In other words, BE ONE with the ONE, and the DIRECT Connection with IT is where we ARE. This Book can give us the idea to Know what it takes to READ the TOTAL BOOK we ARE! It contains the SECRET of secrets whereby we can Know the Unknowable …. continue reading.


What does a dot symbolize?

It is complete, self-contained and perfect in and of itself. It represents the Primordial Point, the first mark laid down by the Pen of the Divine, who wrote the universe into being. It is a signal of intent, an act of creation, the beginning and origin of everything. So, the Human is the “Tree of Dots”, who can Endlessly Multiply the Dot with Puròse and Meaning. What a GIFT!

The Lower Self is the SEED that contains the TOTALITY-Unmanifest (5) and the FARMER is the Higher Self who makes the Seed GROW, the TOTALITY-Manifest (8). From thereon the Ascension into the Infinite Universe (N)!





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