It is generally known that we have a (“lower and higher Self”), similar as the Tree having it by its Roots and Branches. Our Lower state of Being is of the 3-dimensional in correlation with the first part of Evolution, the Oceanic, which is integrated by that what is below the Bodily Diaphragm (transition to It also correlates with the 3 lower Chakras.
Humanity has been Experiencing the TRANSIT towards the Higher SELF comprising the 3 Upper Chakras. So, the 4th Chakra is the Transit of the “Primitive Density” into the Higher Use of MIND and Dedication to the Refinement of Spirit, as it was formulated by Jesus: “When the Spirit creates the Body, it is a Miracle, but when the Body creates the Spirit, it is the Miracle of miracles. WE have come to the “goodbye” of the Materialistic, which goes along with the Grand Selection:
- The Complete IGNORANT who just go along with INDIFFERENCE, accepting anything as long as it gives a sense of security and pleasure.
- The ones valuing money and money-related things MORE than themselves = Prostitution (that’s how we can become a “millionaire”). They all die in the hospital or by suicide (directly or indirectly by a disease, or some form of conflict).
- Those who CARE HOW their Being can harmoniously go along with the TOTALITY. They know HOW to maintain the Total HEART-PINEAL GLAND Alignment with the Sacred Art of Eating, to be able to independently THINK and ultimately make the CHOICE to BE.
So, do the self-examination: HOW do we identify ourselves? As a property of a system, or as the PRICELESS TOTALITY, which is the true human? This website provides the OneHeart teaching to know HOW to BE.